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Mason House Inn

May 22 and 23, 2010

       Saturday, May 22, Room 5

Chris: "Tyler, are we ready to go?"...................'Yep'

Chuck: "Who did Joy see outside of Room 5 this morning?"................'Michael'

"Michael, are you a resident here?"......................'Yes'

"How old are you?"......................'I'm dead'

"What year did you die?"...................'1944'

"Did you live in Bentonsport?"................'I served here.'

"Is this where you are from?"................'Yes'

"Can you tell us your last name?"....................'Levins'

"Do you like to watch Joy in the Rooms?"................'Yes'

"Were you watching the customers too?".................'Sometimes.  I didn't know she saw me.'

"Who was Aurora playing with and running up and down the halls with this afternoon?"..............Child's voice: 'Me'

"Can you give us your name please?"...........................'Andre'

"How old are you, Andre?"........................'Twelve'

"Are you new to the Inn?  Did Harold bring you in?".....................'No'

"Did you come in on your own?"......................'Yes. I did yes.'

"Do you like playing with Aurora?"..................'Yes'

"Does she have alot of energy for you?"................'Oh yeah.  I like to run.'

"Do you  run around the house alot?"....................'All the time.'

Jinni: "Hi, Amanda.".......................Amanda: 'Hi, Jinni.'

Chuck: "Amanda, did you go to the track meets to watch Jinni run?".................'Sure'

"Did any others go too?"..................'Twelve of us.  Watch her run.'

"Were they all children spirits or did any adults go?"....................'All kids'

"Did any of you go to watch Jinni's basketball games?"..................'Oh yes.'  'We did.'

"One night a guest heard Jinni say goodnight to somebody up in her room and they took a picture of her bedroom door and there were two orbs coming out of the room.  Do you know who that was?"..............'There was three of us.  Amanda, cat, and the one who holds her hand.'

Jinni: "Do you like to listen to my Military  Band CD?"..............'Yes'

Chuck: "What other music do you like to listen to?".................'Everything!'   'The little dinosaur.'

"Do you like Veggie Tales?"..................'Yes.  More than she does.'

"One of our guests saw somebody stooping in the backyard this week.  Who was that?"................Harold: 'He's still there.  He likes it there.'

"Is he attached to the Inn?".........................'He likes it here.  Berry bushes.'

Joy: "One of our guests was in the backyard taking pictures of the Caboose and he saw a man crouched down by the raspberry bushes.  He was wearing blue jeans and a red flannel plaid shirt.  The guest took the picture and then looked for the man again but he was gone.  He never heard any footsteps and there wasn't enough time for the man to have gotten out of sight."

Chuck: "Does he come into the Inn or just stay in the yard?"........................'He stands by the table.'

"By the picnic table?"...................'Out back'

"That's the name of the building in the back yard, the Out Back."......................"Yeah, the Out Back.  He likes it there.  Ed.'

"His name is Ed?".................'Yes'

"A couple weeks ago, Cindi was here with her kids and the neighbor saw three children with her in the backyard.  Who was the third child?"...................'A boy?'

"It was a boy with dark hair."......................'That's Paul.'

"Is Paul a resident of the Inn?"...................'No'

"Was he passing through?".....................'Uh huh'

"Is he still here?"..........................'No'  'He wanted help.  Can't find him.'

Cindi: "Was he the boy who was standing behind me in the dining room?"....................'Yes'

"How old was Paul?".....................'Eight'      Boy's voice: 'Wait, I need help.'

"What do you need help with?"..................'Lost'

"Have you been to the light, Paul?".................'What?'

"Are you looking for your Mom?"....................'Yes'

Chris: "Who brought you here?".....................'Harold bring.'

"Harold, are you able to help him to the light?".................Harold: 'He has to want to go.'

"Can you try to convince him to go?   Ty, can you assist?"...................Ty: 'I'll try. He's afraid it's cold there.'

"It is safe there, warm there.  You'll find your family there.  Are you ready to go?  Only if you want to."...............'I'll try'  (We could hear Harold and Ty talking to the boy in the background.)

Chuck: "We'll move on.  There's a picture of a gentleman out here in the hallway.  Does anybody know who that is?".....................Woman's voice: 'That's Frank.'

"What's Frank's last name, do you know?"..................'No'

"Is he here?"...............'No'

"Is it Frank Clark?"..............'No'

"Does it look like Frank Clark?"..................'Nope'

Guest: "Who was messing with my hair today?"................Harold: 'Not me, Chris.'     Child: 'It was me.'

"What's your name?"......................'Paul'

"Oh, Paul again.  Paul's busy."............................'Uh huh.'

"I guess he didn't go to the light yet.".....................Harold: 'Not yet'

"Who opened the door tonight?  Was it a spirit or the wind?"...............'Not me!'    'Wind did it.'

"In Room 8 last night, who turned on the alarm clock?".........................Harold: 'That was me.  Got you!'

"Who was tapping on the dresser where the bowl and pitcher is?".................'That was me too.'

"I liked that."..........................'It was great.'

Guest: "Hi, Harold.  I have a concern.  I usually stay here in the Main House and I know you protect it.  But I'm out in the Wash House this time.  Do you protect us out there too?"......................'Yes'

"You know you can come visit me over there.".......................'I can.'

Chuck: "Harold, there was a ghost hunting group here a few weeks ago and they had a word box.  Why didn't it work?".............................'He didn't make it.'

"Was it not working because something was blocking it or you couldn't figure it out?".................'Doesn't work the same.'

Somebody had a K2 meter with them and she put it next to the TttD box.  "Harold, do you see the Christmas lights right here?  Can you touch the lights and we'll see them flash?".....................'I'll work on it.'

We started talking about the K2 and explained to the group how it senses static electricity and electric fields and while we were talking, the lights lit up.               Harold: 'Did you see it?'

"Yes, we did see it.  Thank you.  You can do it some more.".....................'I touched it.'

A guest with a red mark on her arm asked "Did somebody bite me tonight?"..................'Cat did it.'


"It hurt.  Why would she bite me?".....................'Likes you.'

Jinni: "Amanda, do you go to basketball with me?"....................Amanda: 'Jinni, love you.'

Chuck: "Joe, were you in the tunnel when it collapsed?".................Joe: 'Hurt.'

"There were three others who escaped with you.  Were they hung as well?"...............'All hung, yes.'

"And was it a bounty hunter who caught you?"......................'Deputy'

"Why did they hang you?"....................'Runner.'

"Was it because you ran away?  Were you an example for other run-aways?".................'Yes.  Hung in tree.'

"Was this public?"..................'Yes'

"The other three who did not escape the collapse, have they gone to the light?  Do they need help?"..........'Don't know.'

"So is everything okay with you now, Joe.  Did you see your family?  Is everything okay?"...............'Yes'

Guest: "Harold, how many spirits are staying here now, here in the Inn?"......................'280'

"Is that for sure, or is that a guess?"......................'About that.'

"Are there alot that still need to go to the light?  Other than Paul?"......................'Alot'

"Did Paul move through the light yet?"...................'Yes, he's through.'

Guest: "Did any of you play a musical instrument?"................Harold: 'Guitar'

"Do any of you like to hear Jinni play in the band?".......................'She's good.'     'It's great.'   'Thank you.'

"Any artists?  Or painters?"...........................'Yes.   Greg (or Craig)'

"Craig's an artist?"................'He is'

"What kind of art does he do?".................'Oils'

"Harold, did you have any hobbies when you were on this side?  What did you do for fun?"..............'Fishing'

Guest: "I'm from Illinois, Harold, are you from Peoria, Illinois?"...................'You're teasing me.    I was.'

"Were you married, Harold?"........................'Nooooo!'

Chuck: "Hey, Harold, I've asked you this before but we didn't get very far with an answer.  When you are walking around here and we hear your footsteps, is that just a coincidence or are you purposely trying to make the noise to let us know you're there?"................... 'Sometimes.'

"Do you have to actually appear or is just your orb doing it?".....................'Conditions have to be right.'

"So sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't, depending on the energy level?"..................'Yes'

"That's strange.  But is it a conscious projection?".......................'No.  Just happens.'

Joy: "What did you think of the rain storm we had last week?"..................'Oh yeah!'     'It was great.'

Chuck: "Okay, I think we'll end for now.  Thanks guys.  Talk to you tomorrow.".................'Bye'    'Party time!'

       Sunday, May 23, Room 5

Chuck: "When we did the EVP recordings tonight there was some clicking sounds on multiple recorders, who was doing the clicking sounds?"......................'Me'

"Who is me?".....................'Harold.  I was tapping.'

"So you tapped on both recorders at the same time?"...................'Yes'

"Can anybody tell us what is going on in Room 8 with Paulette?"......................Child's voice: 'Can you help me please?'

"What's your name please?".............................'James'

"James, were you the one involved with Room 8?".......................no answer

"Did you lock the door and turn on the machine? (alarm clock)"........................'That was me.'

"Were you trying to have Chris come up to help you?".....................'Yes'

"How old are you?"...............................'Five'

"James, have you gone to the light?"....................'Not yet'

"Can Harold help you go to the light now?"........................'Yes.  Help'

"Is James stuck in Room 8?"..........................Ty: 'No'    James: 'I'm here right now.'

"Ty, can you and Harold help him go to the light?"..................Ty: 'Yes'     Harold: 'Time to go.'   James: 'Tell them they have a nice family.'     Ty: 'Be right back.'    Harold: 'He's gone.'

Chuck: "Who was playing with Joy's hair during the lecture this afternoon?"..................Harold: 'All the children.'

"And who was rattling the door by the screen?".....................'Me.  Harold.'

Guest: "Did somebody sit on my bed this afternoon in Room 4?"....................'Yeah'

"What is your name?"...................'Me'

"Who's me?"..................'Amanda'

"I brought you something shiny.  Did you find it?"...................'I see it.'

"You can take it, Amanda."........................'Thank you.'

"Amanda, did you go with Jinni to graduation today?"...................'Yes'

"Was everybody having fun?"........................'No.  Some were crying.  A man.  Sad.'

Chuck: "Is Senator Mason here tonight?"......................'Here'

"Hello sir.  I have a few questions for you.  You had gone into teaching here in Bentonsport.  Why did you leave teaching?"......................'Conflict'

"Was it with the students or parents?"....................'Both'

"What made you go into law then?"......................'It was a challenge.'

"In the school in Birmingham, what happened?"...................'Couldn't stay.'

"In the 1910 census, it shows Mary was living with you in Chicago.  Was she there a long time or just visiting?"........................'Not long.  Wanted to come back here.'                Mary: 'I'm here.'

"Hi Mary, we heard you died here in the Inn in  1911.  Is that true?"...............'Yes.  My room.'

"On the third floor?"...............'Yes.  Rocking chair.'

"Thank you.  Senator Mason, when you were in Washington DC, we understand there was a stained glass window made of your children.  Do you know what happened to that stained glass window?".............'It broke.'

"So it doesn't exist anymore."................'No'

"Are you a full time resident of the Inn or do you just come visit when the box is here?"..............'I visit.'

"We are glad to have you here."....................'No problem.'

"Who said 'Probably' to Aurora when she asked if Joy was napping.?"....................'Mary'

"Thank you , Mary, for talking to Aurora.  She liked that."....................'Okay'

"How many spirits has Aurora seen?".....................'Several'

"How about Brennen.  Does he see you too?"...................'Yes'

"Aurora talked about the little people flying around like angels."..................'She saw us.'

Chris: "That's it for tonight guys.  Thanks for talking with us.  Bye.".................'Okay'    'Bye'


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